Path 1 — Building core strength & mind-body connection

"It's the mind itself that changes the body".

- Joseph Pilates

Is Pilates for me?

Whether you are suffering muscular aches and pains, poor posture, or just want to strengthen your core to achieve your fitness goals, Pilates can help. By building Pilates into your weekly schedule and practising it regularly you can reduce your risk of injury or posture-related pain, as well as improve your body awareness and understanding of how your body moves. 

And age or fitness level is not a barrier! Pilates offers a unique workout, enabling exercises to be modified in accordance with your fitness level. As you improve, exercise intensity can be increased over time to match your needs and progression.

Set yourself on the right track for 2023 - find out more about our online classes, local community (Hants) and 1-2-1 sessions.

My summer Zoom Pilates programme is here!

Our next programme starts 20th May 2023 - secure your place today!

Monday P.M.

8:10-9pm: Conditioning Pilates (using small equipment)

Thursday P.M.

8:10-9pm: Conditioning Pilates (perfect for beginners and for de-stressing)

Saturday A.M.

8:15-9:00am: Stretchy Pilates

What you get:

  • Join in 1 or all classes

  • Choose a style of Pilates to suit you - or mix it up through the week.

  • Classes are live & are kept small to ensure teaching quality.

  • Access to a video library of classes to access when & where you want.

  • Be part of a private Facebook members’ community for tips, exercise ideas & motivation..

You’re interested but not sure what to expect? Sign up for a trial class! You can also email for more information and costs.

“Your classes were so well delivered…. it felt like it was just me and you in the room and I didn't feel self conscious at all.”

— Julie H

Classes to suit you.


The beginners programme is designed to build your confidence, skills and love of Pilates from the get go. It introduces the Pilates foundation and main exercises from the get-go. Exercise set-up is clearly explained and routines are easy to follow and enjoyable.



Conditioning classes use small equipment, mainly the small Pilates ball, theraband and hand weights. However, depending on who has what, our remote routines can also incorporate a foam roller, magic circle and even a chair! Ideal for anyone keen to add more variety to their mat-based classes or wanting to get more strength and conditioning out of their sessions.


The classic classes are gentle and relaxed, allowing for precise exercise set-up. Based on original mat routines, they offer an individualised experience in a class setting, with modifications offered throughout so you can dial each exercise up or down depending on your fitness level.



For a more personal experience, 1-2-1 sessions are especially effective for specific health and fitness goals or injury rehabilitation (following physician or physiotherapist recommendation). 1-2-1s start with an initial 75-minute consultation and class, and then followed up by regular 45-minute sessions that can be blended with the online class programme. 


The dynamic classes mix traditional with more contemporary Pilates exercises to create more varied and faster paced routines. More suited for intermediate and beyond, there is still focus on exercise set-up and modifications are offered throughout to help address individual needs.



As companies prioritise employee wellbeing, online Pilates classes provide an attractive and low cost wellbeing option. True Path is fully inclusionary, offering classes and programmes to suit all levels - at times ALL colleagues can join in. Flexible and highly accessible, remotely taught classes can be scheduled around or in office hours and the online programme at any time. 


Why True Path Pilates?


Our mat-based Pilates programmes are ideal for anyone wanting to do regular class-based sessions without having to physically travel to a facility. If joining a gym is not for you, or if you are juggling family or work commitments, our virtual Pilates studio offers great flexibility and you never need to miss a class!


The classes are easy to set up and flexible enough for you to join from wherever you have an internet connection. With a variety of classes on offer throughout each week, a library of online classes you can dip into whenever you want, and a 1-2-1 offering scheduled to suit your diary, classes are highly accessible, engaging and support your own fitness goals.


You can build your own programme, choosing between styles and pace of Pilates classes to suit your mood or energy levels, mix video-based with taught classes, and access class recordings at a more convenient date and time for you. You can even revisit and repeat your favourite classes!